
Sunday 4 January 2015


The Adjustment Bureau Poster.jpgBrooklyn congressman David Norris is rehearsing his concession speech, when he meets Elise Sellas, they share a kiss. One month later, David got a new job. Richardson get that David loses the bus, but in the next bus he finds Elise who gives him her phone number. When David arrives at work, he sees that everybody was frozen in time and he can’t escape. Richardson explains that he and his men are “The adjustment bureau”, they ensure people's lives proceed as determined by "the Plan". They break the note Elise’s number phone and tell him if he ever reveals the existence of the Bureau to anyone else, he will be "reset", like lobotomized. They ban him to meet with Elise.
Three years later, she meets Elise and he finds out that she is dancer. The Bureau tries to control his life and prevents those things that he can’t do using doorways to travel instantly. Although, David fights to meet with Elise. Thompson causes Elise to sprain her ankle at a performance to demonstrate his power, and David abandons her. Eleven months later, Charlie tells David of Elise's imminent wedding as he campaigns again. Harry, who said that Thompson exaggerated the consequences of David and Elise relationship, contacts David via secret meetings and teaches him how to use doors to teleport and, David explains toElise who is the Bureau and also the doorway. The Bureau pursues them and David decides to find a President to end the chase.

Finally, David and Elise find themselves trapped on the observation deck of the GE Building. They declare their love and kiss. When they let go of each other, the Bureau members have gone. Harry shows Thompson a revised Plan from the President: one that is blank starting with the current moment. Harry tells the couple they are free to leave and he speculates that the President's goal may be to prepare humanity so it can write its own "Plans".


  1. Thanks for your Post, Laura. However, you have to review the verbs. Why are they wrong?

  2. Oh my god! The mistakes are so silly!

  3. Oh my god! The mistakes are so silly!
