
Saturday, 2 May 2015

Job Interview

Intervierwer:  Hello Jorgina, thank you for coming. First of all, could I just check the details on your application form? Your full name is Jorgina Arrés Cardona, you are eighteen years old and you live at 79 Main Street. Is that right?

Jorgina:Yes, that's right.

Interviewer: Can I just check that your phone number is 636 478 933?

Jorgina: That's it.

Interviewer:  And you have just left SES Morelló High School?

Jorgina: No, that isn't correct. I've just left IES La Pobla de Segur.

Interviewer: Right, thank you. Let me look at the form again. It says here that you have worked as a part-time sales assistant in a garage. Could you please tell me a little bit about your experience?

Jorgina: I really enjoyed it! I particularly liked searching and learning about new machines to can offer the best service to the customers. I would love to use these skills in this new job...

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