
Sunday 23 November 2014


In 2012 after finished my career I proposed to my family to take a break in a wild country. I proposed Kenya because this country has amazing landscape and an interesting culture. After look at the price and book the hotel and the plane tickets, we packed our bag and we went to the airport.

We embarked in the plane and we got comfortable. The plane took off and we just waited for arriving in Kenya. Unluckily, in the middle of the flight we went through a storm and we went through a zone with turbulences. In that moment I was very scared and really anxious. The plane slowly took up and took down and that fact was extremely frightened. Suddenly the oxygen masks took down and we put our mask. I and my family have been travelled more than ten times with plane and never happened this disaster.  I desperately look for help but nobody help us, all the people were crying and shouting. Then, the co-pilot of the plane asked for silence because the pilot wanted to land and he must be very concentrated. Fortunately, all the people stopped making noises. Finally the pilot landed correctly and we arrived to our hotels in the centre of Nairobi.

I felt so frightened and definitely that holiday was the worst holiday that I ever had been. 

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