
Sunday 23 November 2014

Last year we went on a family holiday. I went with my parents and my uncles of Madrid. They decided to go to New York in order to improve our English. At first, I thought that it could be great but finally was the worst holiday that I had done. When we arrived at the hotel we had lunch in a luxury restaurant. The planning of those days was to visit some famous places and also do some water sports. I was very excited because in this trip I only was interested in doing waterskiing or sailing, the other things I didn’t have very enthusiasm. I expected that the weather will be good all the days but my prediction was wrong.
The first day we went to the center of the city and we bought some clothes in the shops. In the afternoon, I wanted to go to beach for practicing sailing but there were some clouds and then we had to change the plan. I was angry because I didn’t like to visit the museums, they were very boring. One day that the weather was better I decided to go to the beach alone and do all I wanted. My family didn’t know about that but I wasn’t worried for this. When I arrived, I was one hour in the sea and it was so exciting but later it happened a big disaster.  It started to be some big waves in the sea, I was very far from the beach and nobody saw me. Suddenly, I saw a shark around me and I started to shout a lot but no one listened to me. Then, it started to rain a lot and I couldn’t swim very well for arriving at the coast. I prayed for someone found me and also I was very scared for the big animal who was near me.

Finally, a little ship of the hospital saw me and it took me to the beach. The other days I didn’t want to get out of the hotel and I stay inside the rest of the week. Since this day I haven’t wanted to go alone to the beach. I always remember this holidays like the worst.

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