
Thursday 18 December 2014



Police officer: Please, can you describe me the robber?

Me: Yes, absolutely, she was old woman.

Police officer: Well, could you describe what she looked like?

Me: Okay, the woman was medium-sized. I remember that she wore a big glasses, white earrings, a 
hat and one brooch on the jacket.  I suppose she is elderly, she was probably in seventies but I’m not sure officer.

Police officer: Don’t worry. Please continue, what did you see?

Me: I saw this woman shoplift in a shopping centre, she took a foulard, and after she put on her bag. In that moment I couldn’t believe that I was seeing.

Police officer: And what did you do?

Me: I went to the shop girl and I told her. But in this moment the old woman begun ran, and I think so she hided

Policer officer: Well, perfect, thank you for your time and if we had any problem with the description we called you, okay?

Me: Okay police, goodbye.

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