
Thursday 18 December 2014


Anne went to the police station because, yesterday she was walking along the street in Barcelona and old women bugging his handbag. This old woman when she mugging the handbag, she started to run and Anne try to run behind this woman but she can’t recuperate his handbag.
And Anne started to explain to the police what happened and they interviewed him.


P- Would you recognize the women?

A- Yes, absolutely! She was medium-sized and overweight. She was provably in his seventies, but I’m not    exactly sure.

P- Did you notice anything else?

A- Yes. I did. Her hair was definitely curly light brown and their eyes were blue.

P- What about his clothes?

A- I remember that she was wearing a white cap, also she was wearing big glasses, a pearl necklace, purple jacket and big earrings.

P- Had you ever seen this man before?

A- I don’t think so. Not that I can remember, anyway.

P- Thank you for your information, now I investigate the case and when I find your handbag I call you.

A- Thank you very much.

P-Bye see you.

A- Bye, bye.

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