
Thursday 18 December 2014

A- Anthony    P-Police officer

P- Can you describe the mugger? 

A- Yes, ceirtanly. He was tall, arround 180cm, black hair and blue eyes.

P- Okay, can you give us a little bit more of information? Did he had any moustache? Did he weard glasses or earrings? 

A- Well, in spite of the fact that the mugging happened very fast, I could see that the mugger had an earring in the left ear. And he also had a black beard, 

P- Okay, this aproaches us more to the man who mugged you. And what can you tell me about his personality? What did you noticed on his personality? 

A- I noticed that the mugger looked strange, he was hidden something under his coat, and his face was showing a little bit of scare, like if he was hidding something. 

P- Okay, thank you for the description. Now the only things that I can say to you is: Don't worry, and we'll do our best. 

A- Thank you.

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