
Friday 19 December 2014

Lucy : Hello, my name is Lucy Smith and want to inform against a crime made by a woman.
Police officer: OK, Would you recognize the woman again?
Lucy :  Absolutely! I remember her face quite well.
Police officer: Could you please describe what she looked like?
Lucy : Yes, certainly, officer. I think she have blond and curly hair, she was probably in his sixties but I am not certain. She also was wearing glasses, pearls and earrings. Her face is round and besides she is wearing a red lipstick.
Police officer: Did you notice everything else?
Lucy : Yes, I did. She was wearing a black jacket with a brooch and what’s more, she was wearing a hat too.
Police officer: What about her height?
Lucy : I wouldn’t like to say,  I’m not exactly sure about her height. I wasn’t paying much attention to what she was wearing and neither about her height.
Police officer: Had you ever seen this woman before?
Lucy : No, definitely. Not that I can remember, anyway.
Police officer: Ok thank you for your report.


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