
Saturday 31 January 2015

The Galaxy Mobile

Tanya: Hi Jack! What are you doing?
Jack: I’m reading this new magazine about technology. I have seen an interesting advert about a new phone.
Tanya: I haven’t seen this advert yet. Tell me more!
Jack: I fancy with it and I really want this phone. I t looks very trendy!
Tanya (is seeing the advert): I think it’s really futuristic, so it looks very expensive.
Jack: It’s the galaxy mobile, it’s the phone of the future! Everybody will have it.
Tanya: Sorry I’m not convinced. Why do you want it? You have one which is very fashionable.
Jack: I don’t mind!
Tanya: You don’t realize that this mobile phone is from a brand-new. It would be better if you wait and you will buy it later. Then his price will have fallen.
Jack: You’re right. I will wait some time and later I will buy it.

By Alexandra Ferenez & Laura Farré

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