
Sunday 16 November 2014

Explore Scotland or discover the south of France

Mum- Lidia, can you come here, please? Your father and I want to explain you our summer trip.
Lídia- Wow, it sounds really good mum!
Mum- Well, we saw these advertisements yesterday in the newspaper and we decided to go to France. We always visit mountains and it’s so tiresome do the same!
Father- Yes, I think that this is the best option.
Lídia-! I don’t like it! France is around us and I want to go even farther away!
Father- We prefer to practice different sports like fishing or sightseeing and also we think that it could be fascinating.
Lídia- No way! I’m not interested in that. I prefer the other advertisement because I know that the landscapes of Scotland are fantastic.
Mum-  erm… yes, but this year we don’t want to go so far and Scotland it must be expensive according to the advertisement.
Lídia-But the main reason is to enjoy together! I can’t stand traveling with a boat. I prefer do something more adventurous.
Father- But last year we went to London. The tradition has always been to not repeat the area.
Lídia- oh.. I want to use my new bike for the first time! I bought it for the trip expressly! Please, understand me for once!
Mum- mm.. Why don’t we do a little trip on the way back? It could be exciting too.
Father- When we’ll come back, I’ll have to go to an important meeting. Sorry, but we can’t do it.
Lídia- Well, I know that if we travel by boat, it could be more relaxing and also you can relax but..Look! It include a luxury hotel room in the evening!
Mum- Really?
Father- In my opinion, I wouldn’t like to relax only in a luxury hotel, I continue to think that France is better.
Lídia- I have a great idea! We can do some excursions and when you want to stop you can go to a spa or somewhere like that! What do you think?
Mum- Yes, it could be a great option, but I’m not really sure Lídia. What do you think my dear?
Father- mmmm.. We have to think about it. Lídia please, hand on during these week and then we’ll talk it another day.
Lídia- Okay, but admit that I’m right! You know that my idea is better than your.
Father- Don’t believe it completely!

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