
Wednesday 19 November 2014

Which holiday do you prefer?

John: Alice, as I promised you, this summer we're going on holidays! What do you prefer? Discover France by boat, or going on a bike trip around the mountains of Scotland?

Alice: Mmmm... I guess I prefer going to France by boat, because the landscape must be wonderful! And also because I don't like Soctland!

John: Why do you say that? Have you ever been to Scotland? Have you ever seen the landscapes of Scotland? They are WONDERFUL! Much as the sea and France! And I won't get on a boat, you know that I'm afraid of them, and... The landscapes of Scotland... The green mountains, the silence, the sun above us and the calm wind... Come on Alice! Don't say to me that you aren't thinking on it! 

Alice: Yes... Scotland must be wonderful too. Decided! We're going to Scotland, but, John you must help me with a problem that I have.

John: Tell me Alice.

Alice: I don't know how to ride a bike...

John: Haha! Don't worry! I'll show you before we go! 

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