
Thursday 18 December 2014


P:  Would you recognize the man again?
L: Absolutely! I remember that he was a men who wasn’t normal because his appearance wasn’t like an ordinary person.
P: But do you remember if he seem to be strange or eccentric and then he wore glasses or a hat which covered him?
L: I’m not exactly sure about this but despite that the robbery happened very quickly, I could see that he wore black clothes and a black hat.
P: Did you notice anything else? How about his physique? Do you think that this fit together with his clothes?
L: Yes, perhaps because I know that he was slim and probably in his thirties. He looked like a bum person, his hair was definitely dark haired and also stubbly.
P: Okay, thank you. Now, we have more or less and idea of him. Could you tell how his height was?
L: I wouldn’t like to say, really. I wasn’t paying much attention to this!.
P: Well, don’t worry. Had you ever seen this man before?

L: I don’t think so. Not that I can remember, anyway.

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