
Saturday 24 January 2015

Dialogue: "The Galaxy Mobile"

Jor Coll: What are you looking for?
Gina Arrés: The Galaxy Mobile! I really fancy this mobile - the one in that cool advert...
Jor Coll: Really? I like the advert, but I think the mobile is hideous! I know a shop near here which sells them, though...
(10 min later)
Gina: So, what do you think?
Jor: Hmm... They still don't appeal to me, I prefer your old one.
Gina: It's OK, I supose. It is the phone of the future.
Jor: Sorry, I'm not convinced! And anyway, do you really need a new mobile phone? It looks quite expensive... 

Jordina Coll i Jorgina Arrés

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